Costa Rica has a lot to offer: white, sandy beaches, crystal clear waters, and affordable dental care. Yes, that’s right. Here at Colina Dental, you can get top quality dental work done by a skilled and experienced dentist at a price that would unthinkable in the United States. Dental vacations, as they have become known, are increasingly popular. And why not? With our dental care in Costa Rica, you can get the procedures done that you’ve been putting off because your insurance doesn’t cover it, or you don’t have dental insurance in the first place.

What kind of services can you get here? Our dental care in Costa Rica includes such things as dental implants, dentures, tooth extractions, removal of impacted wisdom teeth, jaw surgery to correct difficulties with speaking, eating, swallowing, or breathing; and correction of TMJ. Our dentist for foreigners can even do bone grafting procedures, which are useful for various applications, notably thickening your jaw bone so that you can get a dental implant if you have previously been considered a poor candidate for it. Even root canal therapy, which is a very expensive procedure in America, can be done expertly and with a minimum of discomfort, alleviating the pain you’re feeling from an infection and its effects. Gum treatments, both surgical and non-surgical are also available. Examples are pocket elimination, tissue regeneration, and even deep cleanings (scaling and root planing).

You don’t have to be in pain or need a restoration, though, to take advantage of our dental care in Costa Rica at our office in Escazu. Our dentist for foreigners also does cosmetic work to improve your smile and give you a great-looking set of teeth. Among the ways we can help is by doing teeth whitening. Just one session will give you outstanding results. Or choose porcelain veneers, including a no prep version of them that go by the brand name of Lumineers.

So, whether you require some form of oral surgery, you’re in the market for new prosthetic teeth, or you just want a more attractive smile, enjoy the benefits of our cost saving dental care in our modern office in San Jose / Escazu to get equal to or better treatment than you would at home, and for a lot less money.

Colina Dental

400 mts Sur del Cruce Escazú – Santa Ana

San Rafael de Escazú, Costa Rica

US (888) 398-5435

CA (418) 948-3393

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